Bicycle Master Plan community workshop on Dec. 4

The City of Georgetown is seeking additional community feedback to help develop a Bicycle Master Plan. The public is invited to a community workshop from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 4, at the Georgetown Public Library, 402 W. Eighth St. The City is working with graduate students from the University of Texas at … Continue reading “Bicycle Master Plan community workshop on Dec. 4”

GoGeo routes affected by Christmas Stroll

Take GoGeo to the Christmas Stroll and don’t worry about parking! Service hours on Friday are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on Saturday are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. GoGeo bus routes are altered Friday and Saturday (Nov. 30 and Dec. 1) due to downtown street closures for the Christmas Stroll. Anticipate delays in … Continue reading “GoGeo routes affected by Christmas Stroll”

Veterans Day events

Update, Friday, Nov. 9–The Veterans Day ceremony in Sun City on Nov. 12 will be held in the ballroom at the Sun City Social Center due to the forecast for rain. The maximum seating capacity for the ballroom is 600. — The annual Veterans Day Ceremony in Georgetown is at 11 a.m. on Monday, Nov. … Continue reading “Veterans Day events”

Prop A street maintenance sales tax election results

The Williamson County Elections office has posted unofficial final results for the Proposition A street maintenance sales tax election on Nov. 6 in Georgetown. The proposition is for the reauthorization of a 0.25 percent sales tax dedicated to the maintenance of city streets in Georgetown. These are the unofficial final results: Votes Percent For 21,742 … Continue reading “Prop A street maintenance sales tax election results”

San Gabriel Park and Blue Hole Park re-opened

Update, Wed., Oct. 17, 4 p.m.: Blue Hole Park has re-opened and all areas of San Gabriel Park have re-opened. Update, 6:30 p.m., Tuesday: San Gabriel Park has reopened with the exception of access to Lower Park Road.  Blue Hole Park will remain closed until further notice. The South San Gabriel River has dropped to about 8 … Continue reading “San Gabriel Park and Blue Hole Park re-opened”

Mosquito sample positive for West Nile in Southeast Georgetown

A mosquito trap sample collected Tuesday in southeast Georgetown has tested positive for West Nile Virus. The positive test was indicated in lab results received yesterday afternoon from the Texas Department of State Health Services lab in Austin. The sample was collected from a trap on S. Maple Street on Oct. 9. The species that … Continue reading “Mosquito sample positive for West Nile in Southeast Georgetown”

Negotiations for downtown building sales underway

The Georgetown City Council approved the real estate contract for the sale of two downtown buildings at their meeting on Oct. 9. The proposal for the historic Post Office at 113 E. Eighth St. includes a ballroom, restaurant, and bar. The proposal for the Municipal Court/City Council Chambers at 101 E. Seventh St. includes a … Continue reading “Negotiations for downtown building sales underway”

Bicycle Master Plan community workshop on Oct. 11

The City of Georgetown is seeking input from the community as the first step in developing a Bicycle Master Plan. Opinions of cyclists and non-cyclists are sought at a community workshop from 3 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 11, at the Georgetown Public Library, 402 W. Eighth St. The purpose of the workshop is … Continue reading “Bicycle Master Plan community workshop on Oct. 11”

Berry Creek wastewater line stakeholder meeting Oct. 4

The City of Georgetown will hold a stakeholder meeting on Oct. 4 to provide information on the Berry Creek Wastewater Interceptor project. The meeting will be from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Community Room at the Parks and Recreation Administration Building, 1101 N. College St. in Georgetown. Information about the potential alignment of the … Continue reading “Berry Creek wastewater line stakeholder meeting Oct. 4”

GoGeo offers free rides for Southwestern students, faculty, and staff

By showing a Pirate ID card when boarding, Southwestern University students, faculty, and staff can take a GoGeo bus for free to destinations in Georgetown. The program started on Aug. 15 and is funded by an agreement between the City and Southwestern. To mark the start of free GoGeo service, Southwestern University and the City … Continue reading “GoGeo offers free rides for Southwestern students, faculty, and staff”

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