City Council adopts Downtown Master Plan and Austin Avenue Corridor Study

May 29, 2024

The Downtown Master Plan and the Austin Avenue Corridor Study were both adopted by City Council at its regular meeting May 28. These strategic documents were designed to shape decisions, programming, and reinvestment for their respective areas during the next 10 years.

The Downtown Master Plan builds upon the 2014 version and reflects the City of Georgetown’s commitment to preserving its unique character amidst significant growth and economic development in the past decade.

The Austin Avenue Corridor Study, an effort led by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and the City of Georgetown, involved listening to community feedback and developing possible improvements over the next decade to improve vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle mobility through the corridor.

“Our new Downtown and Austin Avenue Corridor plans reaffirm our commitment to preserving the small-town charm and character that make Georgetown so special,” Mayor Josh Schroeder said. “These plans lay the foundation for how two critical areas of town will grow. We are so grateful for the thousands of residents, businesses, and community leaders who helped shape these plans through our public engagement efforts. We hope you will continue to stay informed and share your feedback as we work through finalizing and phasing in these improvements in the years to come.”

Downtown Master Plan

Since the adoption of the 2014 Downtown Master Plan, more than 80 percent of its outlined projects have been completed, with the remaining 20 percent either in the planning stage or modified to align with the updated vision.

Over the past 18 months, City Council and staff collaborated with consultants Design Workshop for the Downtown Master Plan to conduct a thorough evaluation of the downtown district. This process involved extensive engagement with various stakeholders, including downtown businesses, property owners, neighborhood associations (such as Old Town and TRG), and nonprofit partners in the Cultural District, as well as City departments and Williamson County. Engagement efforts included nine City Council workshops, an online survey, and participation in local events such as the Williamson County 175th celebration, 2023 Red Poppy Festival, Georgetown Spring Art Stroll, and the Gather Round Georgetown Project Expo.

The Downtown Master Plan establishes a list of recommendations within six main themes, focusing on public-realm activation, preservation of historic and cultural assets, land use and density, events and programming, open space and parks, as well as transportation, parking, and pedestrian access. Over the next decade, the implementation of these recommendations will prioritize key projects identified through stakeholder and public input.

Potential projects proposed in the Downtown Master Plan over the next decade include the following:

  • Enhancements to the historic Square
  • Adjusting building heights and density
  • Downtown gateways
  • One-way streets around the Square
  • A Rock Street promenade
  • Blue Hole Park improvements
  • Wayfinding signage
  • Downtown parking
  • A Ninth Street art walk
  • Improvements to bike and pedestrian connections

Austin Avenue Corridor Study

Public outreach and engagement for the Austin Avenue Corridor Study included three public open house events, each of which were accompanied by an online survey.

Potential projects proposed for the Austin Avenue corridor include the following:

  • Reconstructing Austin Avenue through downtown to be one lane in each direction with a center turn lane
  • Building a two-lane roundabout at San Gabriel Village Boulevard
  • Constructing turn lane and other intersection improvements
  • Enhancing gateways at Second Street and University Avenue
  • Building a 10-foot wide shared-use path throughout the corridor
  • Adding pocket parks
  • Coordinating signals
  • Improving landscaping and lighting

Funding for future projects may come from various sources, including revenue generated from special districts such as the downtown tax increment reinvestment zone. These downtown initiatives are part of the City’s annual budget process and require approval by City Council.

To read the Downtown Master Plan, including details on proposed projects and the implementation strategy, go to To see the final report for the Austin Avenue Corridor Study, go to

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